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Income solutions for sports teams

Vinclude works to develop solutions that connect sports teams' needs for income with companies that want to support local sports and, in return, gain loyal local customers.

✅ + include = Vinclude

Vinclude aims to help sports teams maintain a strong financial position, making it easier to include all players in the team's activities, regardless of the families' financial situation.

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Inclusion of all children and youth

For all children and youth who wish to participate in organized activities such as sports, regardless of their family's financial situation, it requires costs to be covered by someone. With good finances, sports teams can more easily include everyone.

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Creating value for sponsors

Securing revenue for a sports team can be very time-consuming. The best foundation for long-term sponsorship is for the sponsored sports team to provide measurable value back to the sponsor. This is something Vinclude is working on developing, in collaboration with some selected pilot partners.

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The art of keeping it simple

In today's digital society, everything is set up to innovate traditional industries. This also applies to sponsorship. Vinclude's goal is to develop sponsorship solutions that give parents and players more time for sports, and less time trying to secure funding for the team.

Meet the Team

Frode Røinaas

Frode Røinaas

CEO & Co-Founder

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Andreas Kirkerud

Andreas Kirkerud

CTO & Co-Founder

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© 2024 Vinclude Sponsor Solutions AS